How Often and Why I Ride My Road Bike
One of the YouTube channels I watch provided a tip for us road bikers that said we need to learn to relax when we ride. The tip even mentioned that professional bikers use depressants to help them to relax. Well, don't think I'll be popping any pills anytime soon, but sometimes to help me relax on my ride I will ponder certain questions. Questions like, "How often and why do I ride"?I suppose this habit I have of letting things bounce around in my head as I ride is my way of getting to my "moment of Zen", or maybe I just have an active mind. Anyway, I try to ride 100 miles a week and if I can get in 2 to 3 rides a week I'm happy. Of course, weather and obligations and previous rides kind of dictate if I hit that mark and sometimes motivate me to ride more or less.
I ride for the exercise, or at least that's how I started out. Lately, I've let go the idea of "training" rides and now I'm more about just enjoying the ride and reaching a destination that I haven't been to by bike before.
So on this holiday as so many of us reflect on all that contributes to making our lives happy and fulfilled, I know that road biking adds a good measure to my contentment and joy for being alive.
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